Mindful Based Stress Reduction, MBSR
Morning and Evening Programs Available
NASW Approved for 28 CE credits, NE Social Workers
MBSR, is an 8-week experiential learning experience that promotes physical and mental health, happiness and general well-being. This program is for people who wish to develop their innate ability to live more fully and with a deeper sense of ease in a stress-filled world.
The skills learned in this program can assist people to develop present moment awareness that supports living with more stress-resilience. These skills foster greater self-regulation, less emotional reactivity, and cultivate acceptance of present moment circumstances.
The benefits of practicing mindfulness are extensive and accessible to everyone. The latest research puts the practice of mindfulness at the top of the list for health-promoting lifestyles; along with sleep, good nutrition, and exercise.
The benefits may include: easing depression and anxiety, managing weight, preventing hypertension and heart disease, living better with chronic pain, and so much more.
Adopting mindfulness, like any other healthy lifestyle takes a commitment to learning and practicing. With a strong foundation, you can integrate mindfulness into your daily life.
Learn to live the best you can with what is, now.
In the MBSR course you will receive:
- Instruction on formal and informal mindfulness practices
- Guided Meditations
- Home and class experiences directed at developing awareness, understanding how our past forms our perception, and more.
- Dialogue and group discussions
- Mindful movement*: gentle yoga and walking
*All movement can be adapted for abilities at any level.
MBSR 8-Week in Providence, RI (area)
28 CEs available for Social Workers
In-Person: This will be scheduled as soon as the Pandemic allows
MBSR 8-Week at Umass Memorial Health Care*
*CEs are not available for the Umass Memorial Health Care courses
Community Classes
Mindful Movement & Meditation ONLINE due to Corona prevention. Mondays 5-6:15 ONLINE Meditation Umass Memorial, Thursdays 12:10-12:50 PM *Registration for Zoom App Necessary